Pro/Carbine F.A.Q.
Pro/Carbine Custom Hammer-This hammer is exactly the same as the stock hammer with a few exceptions. The Custom Hammer has been polished and drilled to weigh less. The Custom hammer made by Air-Tipps increases cycle rate and gas efficiency, but if you polish the stock hammer (explained later) you get the same effect. I've even heard if you polish the stock hammer it's just as good as the Custom hammer.
Average price $40

Double finger trigger-This item is relatively new to the Pro/Carbine market. All it is, is another trigger that fits in your already existing trigger frame to give you more leverage when you shoot. I've heard it increases your shots per second by 2 or 3. Be aware though, you must have a standard bottom line like the one on a Carbine to use the trigger, because the trigger guard hose on a Pro-lite is too close to the trigger to fit.  You must cut the trigger guard off to use this which could create a problem with some fields if you don't get a custom guard installed. 
Average price $19

Raised Sight Rail- Since the tank is aligned in a bottomline configuration, I think a Raised Sight rail used for sighting would kind of be worthless, but it might be useful as a carrying handle if you don't use the shoulder strap. It also might look cool for some players.
Average price $15-35

Its a fact that you shoot more accurate with a sight then the regular sights on the gun. Whether you should invest in a sight depends on your style of play. If you're a player who sees a target and starts shooting and covering the area in paint (a.k.a. spraying and praying), then you will find little use in a sight. On the other hand, if you play a sneaky stealthy game, or if you aim at your target then a sight might be beneficial to you. My recommendation is to buy a sight $50 or less. The ADCO reflex sight and Champ will suit you very well, besides the more expensive sights generally give off a huge glare of light from the sight that says, "hey look at me!" These things are like a giant glowing bullseye! Besides who wants to spend $60-$120 on a sight when they can buy a barrel or case of paint. I recommend the Champ. Sites are not effective in a large range of distences due to the arching trajectory of a paintball. 

ADCO Reflex Sight-$15

ADCO Champ-$25

ADCO Square Shooter-$95


Feed Systems
Note: The stock feed is very good. It can keep up with you no matter if you put a trigger job on your Pro/Carbine or if you're a really fast shooter. What many players have a problem with is that the feeder cuts holes in the hopper. Or they dislike the forgrip. All of these upgrades will either eliminate the forgrip and/or will not cut holes in the hopper.

Commando Feed- This is a copycat of the stock feeder except the Commando doesn't have the lock teeth (eliminates hopper holes) and also discards the forgrip. This is especially helpful for players who want a small barrel (6" - 8") or don't like the forgrip.
Average Price $15

Speedfeed- This product is a Pro/Carbine version of the powerfeed. It supposedly feeds your paint faster than a normal feed system. I personally question this statement. There has been some recent rumors saying a standard Automag feeds just as fast as a powerfeed equipped Automag. Besides the Pro/Carbine feeder feeds fine with or without a trigger job. This mod is just for looks and for players who want to trick out their guns, even if the mods are just for bragging.
Average Price $50